Nzeveni Community Well

At the third well location located about a mile east of the second well, our drilling team set the 6-inch diameter PVC casing to a depth of 162 feet. They then drilled to a depth of 222 feet below grade in November 2021, hitting the water table at about 208 feet. While drilling into the water-bearing zone on November 24, 2021, one of the drilling rods sheared off about 35 feet below grade, and they were not able to recover the lost tooling.

Last July, we started to look into replacing the drilling rods we had purchased with the drilling rig because they seemed too lightweight for the drilling operation in Kenya. Due to the cost to replace the rods ($12,000) and the lack of funding, we continued drilling with the ones we had.

In January, the drillers went back to Kibokoand spent two weeks trying to see if they could retrieve the lost tooling to save this well. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful, even using a down the hole camera to inspect the well to determine the problem and provide possible solutions for the stuck equipment. Therefore, we had no choice, but to abandoned the well and tooling, which is simply heart breaking! Honestly, it makes me weep for I know how desperately they need the water!

We spent February and most of March 2022 raising the funds to buy new rods so that we redrill the third well in Kiboko. We feel confident that once we replace the drilling rods with heavy duty rods that we will be able to overcome the difficulties we have been experiencing. This little tiny drilling rig is doing gigantic things to change people’s lives!

To keep the drilling rig drilling full time we need approximately $83,000 per year.

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