In September 2020, we provided $8,000 to fund a water project in Kitilikini, Kenya (near Namuncha, but on a plateau of the Great Rift Valley escarpment about 460 feet higher than Namuncha that sits on the floor of the valley). Our funding provided the installation of the electrical connection and pump to draw water from the only permanent river in the area that comes off the east escarpment of the Great Rift Valley, two miles of HDPE piping, and three raised tanks. The project was completed by December 2020 and provides water to 500-1,000 people daily.
Future Kitilikini Water Projects
We hope to raise an additional $4,000 to bring water to the furthest reaches of the Kitilikini area by adding another 2 km (1.25 miles) of piping and one more tank to provide water for an additional 700 or so people.
Furthermore, we want to drill a few boreholes within the Kitilikini plateau to see if we can find water. There are reports that there is shallow (less than <250 feet [76 meters]) available in portions of the Kitilikini area. With sufficient water there may be enough water for growing crops in the area.